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Limited Access Delivery & Residential Delivery

Updated: Jan 19, 2023

Limited Access Delivery & Residential Delivery

Whether you’re experienced or are brand new to the freight industry there is one thing all parties hate to see. That's right, additional charges! One of the most common additional charges we run into in this industry stems from limited access deliveries and residential deliveries. So what are limited access deliveries and how can they be avoided?

What is Limited Access Delivery?

A limited access fee is an extra charge that is implemented by the carrier for pickups or deliveries. It’s added when carriers perform specialized delivery services that take extra effort or time to navigate/deliver.

Limited access deliveries are assigned to destinations that are not easily accessible. This would include traditional commercial addresses with an accessible loading dock or a destination that requires specialized delivery. Limited access deliveries charges can happen for any of the following but are not limited to:

  • Airports

  • Cemeteries

  • Churches

  • Construction Sites

  • Country Clubs/ Golf Courses

  • Fairs / Carnivals/ Amusement Parks

  • Farms

  • Government facilities

  • Hospitals

  • Malls

  • Marinas

  • Prisons

  • Nursing Homes

  • No Dock / Dock Obstructed

Residential Delivery

There is a separate charge for residential addresses. This residential fee for residential pick ups or delivery is a separate charge from limited access deliveries. There will be a residential surcharge for any freight delivering to a home or private residence.

Can Limited Access deliveries and Residential deliveries be avoided?

In some cases, yes! Through our extensive partner network there are still some limited access delivery locations that we are not subject to charges. However, this varies carrier by carrier and the terms of our contracts.

Furthermore, there is no way of getting past a residential delivery charge. So in both cases it is best to note the type of location the freight is delivering to.

Make sure to provide all of the information regarding the destination location. This way you can get a full list of limited access delivery destinations, an accurate quote or freight cost. That way we can include these costs upfront. There will not be any additional charges after placing a shipment with us.

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